After about 8 days and 21 hours of labor, the Vertical Stabilizer is complete. It’s unlikely that I’ll sustain this pace, just happened to be able to get a lot done over two weekends. It came out pretty good, but definitely some room for improvement. I didn’t like the primer so will switch brands going forward, When riveting some of…
The build has begun!
Started the process of building the future N14KR (tailsign). The empennage begins by building the Vertical Stabilizer The internal structure (Spar and Rib assembly) has been deburred and primed. Up next: Deburring the skin, dimpling where instructed, and riveting all the parts together.
Empennage skins, part two
Came home on a Wednesday to see this crate sitting in front of the house. The team at Van’s sent out a replacement for a damaged skin and it came in a slightly smaller crate than the original. After peeling away all the paper packing, there sat one pristine empennage skin. Did a quick inventory (they sent some other…
First Kit arrives!
After years of researching, studying, and finally placing the order – the RV-14A empennage kit finally arrived in New Jersey on Monday 4/2/2018! I was not available for delivery until Friday though the wait was not in vain as I was able to scramble to make final preparations in the workshop. All the effort really helped ensure there is a organized,…
The Airplane Factory is ready
Shop is finally ready to become an airplane factory. Built a few EAA 1000 workbenches using solid doors that had cosmetic damage to keep a very flat top. The doors were bought when building the barn and the manufacturer sent new ones because they got beat-up during shipping. I held onto them thinking I could used them as a bench…
Decision Made
Well after a good year or two of consideration, I’ve decided on the Van’s RV-14A as the aircraft kit I will undertake to construct. The maturity of the proven base design, the evolution of the kit and assembly instructions, the fantastic support available through forums like and local RV builders, and the fit against my mission all factored into my…
First Steps…
Throughout all my planning and research, I always had envisioned getting some training on sheet metal for aircraft. The EAA has a great program called “SportAir Workshops” that does just this through a traveling roadshow of classes throughout the year in various cities. Previously they are typically in the midwest or west coast. The closes to New Jersey I had…
It’s done. Well, for now.
After nearly 2.5 years and a LOT of help from many folks, but especially my Dad, the Barn is complete and passed all inspections. So now the real journey begins…