Back in the (blog) game

It’s been a while…a long while since I’ve updated the site. But fear not, work has steadily continued and I see the light at the end of the tunnel. In getting near the end, it’s time to go back and update this site with some of the pictures and videos I’ve been remiss in doing. Frankly, the site is the lowest priority when juggling everything else in life. However, I do want to memorialize the journey of building this plane.

Without further ado, below encompasses Section 35 – the Upper Foward Fuselage structures. The actual top skin is one of the last things I’ll rivet to ensure I have open access when doing all the avionics and fishing of wires, control cables, and miscellaneous items that pass through the firewall. I also cut the two access panels in that top skin as recommended by so many builders to ease future maintenance.

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